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Fire Ministries International

Scottish Charity (SCIO) – SC046412

Annual Report and Financial Statements

For the accounting period

6th April 2023 – 5th April 2024

Trustees’ Annual Report

For the year ended 5th April 2024

The trustees have pleasure in presenting their report together with the financial statements for the year ended 5th April 2024.

Reference and Administrative Information

Charity Name

Fire Ministries International

Charity Number



25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton, Clackmannan FK13 6LA

Current Trustees

Malcolm Sim               Chair/Convenor

Alyson Sim                  Treasurer and Secretary

Eve Galbraith

Structure, Governance and Management


The Charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). Registered in its current legal form on 15th March 2016, the charity was previously run as unincorporated association but changed its legal form to a SCIO. The assets of the unincorporated association transferred to the SCIO on the 16th March 2016. It has a single tier structure and as such, the trustees are the members of the charity.

Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are elected at the annual general meeting. There must be a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen trustees.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable purposes

To advance religion, to advance education and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, locally, nationally and internationally.


The charity offers culturally relevant spiritual expressions of Christianity to the public, in coffee shops, church halls and community centres. The charity hold public events where people gather to worship, explore their faith, receive free stress relief, and learn keys for living a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle and to receive teaching on spiritual and moral education. These activities happened in various locations and online throughout the UK. The spiritual expressions offered by the organisation are open to all members of the public.

Many members of the public have come and explored their beliefs in a welcoming environment. Many have returned repeatedly to have experiential encounters with the God of the Bible, while receiving relief from stressful situations. Many of whom have been met with the love and kindness shown by those in the Christian faith.

Achievements and Performance

Due to COVID-19 the charity was forced to move more of its teachings and training sessions online due to the constraints. This has actually proved to be of immense value, as it has allowed the charity to expand globally.

Again, we are seeing the short daily teachings continuing to be well received and these have given much needed encouragement, throughout the world. The continued uptake and interest in these short daily teachings have now reached more corners of the globe, the UK and Ireland, along with Canada, USA, Virgin Islands, Brazil, Liberia, Latvia, Jamaica, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Kenya and India to mention just a few. Connections to various parts of Asia e.g. Singapore, South Korea, are continuing to grow. Several of those from other countries have been translating these teachings into their own languages and distributing them to others. Invitations to teach in all of these nations are constantly arriving, we continue to meet these needs via the internet, as the costs continue to hinder us from going to so many nations.

An increase in the charity’s audience has also occurred nationally. Again COVID-19 restrictions may have limited our face to face encounters, but due to the internet and its various Apps have allowed us to stay in touch, and continue to see our influence expand and to deliver education in accordance with Christian principles, including spiritual and moral education.

In April 2023, training sessions re-opened to members of the public, being hosted in local churches. These sessions are brining encouragement and allowing us to deliver advancement in religion and education in accordance with Christian principles.

Financial Review

Our main source of funding is donations and offerings. As can be seen from the financial statement, our financial holdings have dropped, slightly this year. Unfortunately we had to upgrade a failing computer. We have as a charity been able to provide for those in need this year, showing the furtherance of our charity aims, particularly to the community and beyond.

Plans for the future period

Our charitable goals and aims remain the same, the advancement of religion, and the advancement of education. The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

Along with teaching and training on all aspects of the Christian faith, for all who are interested. Making grants, donations, loans, gifts to individuals and organisations. Carrying out activities or services itself.

However, our mode of delivery has been massively impacted by the pandemic and has increased online. Our reach is expanding globally, not only nationally and we will therefore be continuing to develop our online training/teaching in accordance with Christian principles for which we already have an audience.

Our aim will be to continue and expand our face to face teaching/training sessions on all aspects of the Christian faith.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year 6th April 2022 to 5th April 2024

 Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsYear Ended 05/04/2023Period ended 05/04/2022
C/F3810 40224178
Donations1031 13981280
Total receipts1031 13981280
Accommodation  153210
Insurance315 303316
Car/Mission Travel    
Office Equipment    
Stationary   55
Office Furniture    
Printing47 58 
Room Hire    
Other Event Costs322 200300
Leader Training    
Promotional Costs    
Leader Meetings and Expenses    
IT704 369255
Donations116 520300
Total payments1883 16101436
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year(852) (212)(156)
Transfer between funds    
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year(852) (212)(156)
Total(852) (212)(156)

Cash Balance at 5th April 2024       £ 2958

Fire Ministries International

Scottish Charity (SCIO) – SC046412

Annual Report and Financial Statements

For the accounting period

6th April 2022 – 5th April 2023


Trustees’ Annual Report

For the year ended 5th April 2023

The trustees have pleasure in presenting their report together with the financial statements for the year ended 5th April 2023.

Reference and Administrative Information

Charity Name

Fire Ministries International

Charity Number



25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton, Clackmannan FK13 6LA

Current Trustees

Malcolm Sim               Chair/Convenor

Alyson Sim                  Treasurer and Secretary

Eve Galbraith


Structure, Governance and Management


The Charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). Registered in its current legal form on 15th March 2016, the charity was previously run as unincorporated association but changed its legal form to a SCIO. The assets of the unincorporated association transferred to the SCIO on the 16th March 2016. It has a single tier structure and as such, the trustees are the members of the charity.

Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are elected at the annual general meeting. There must be a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen trustees.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable purposes

To advance religion, to advance education and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, locally, nationally and internationally.


The charity offers culturally relevant spiritual expressions of Christianity to the public, in coffee shops, church halls and community centres. The charity hold public events where people gathered to worship, explore their faith, receive free stress relief, and learn keys for living a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle and to receive teaching on spiritual and moral education. These activities happened in various locations throughout the UK. The spiritual expressions offered by the organisation are open to all members of the public.

Many members of the public have come and explored their beliefs in a welcoming environment. Many have returned repeatedly to have experiential encounters with the God of the Bible, while receiving relief from stressful situations. Many of whom have been met with the love and kindness shown by those in the Christian faith.

Achievements and Performance

Due to COVID-19 the charity was forced to move more of its teachings and training sessions online due to the constraints. This has actually proved to be of immense value, as it has allowed the charity to expand globally.

Again we are seeing the short daily teachings continuing to be well received and these have given much needed encouragement, throughout the world. The continued uptake and interest in these short daily teachings have now reached more corners of the globe, the UK and Ireland, along with Canada, USA, Virgin Islands, Brazil, Liberia, Latvia, Jamaica, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Kenya and India to mention just a few. Connections to various parts of Asia e.g. Singapore, South Korea, are continuing to grow. Several of those from other countries have been translating these teachings into their own languages and distributing them to others. Invitations to teach in all of these nations are constantly arriving, we continue to meet these needs via the internet, as the costs continue to hinder us from going to so many nations.

An increase in the charity’s audience has also occurred nationally. Again COVID-19 restrictions may have limited our face to face encounters, but due to the internet and its various Apps have allowed us to stay in touch, and continue to see our influence expand and to deliver education in accordance with Christian principles, including spiritual and moral education.

In April 2023, training sessions re-opened to members of the public, being hosted in local churches. These sessions are brining encouragement and allowing us to deliver advancement in religion and education in accordance with Christian principles.

Financial Review

Our main source of funding is donations and offerings. As can be seen from the financial statement, our financial holdings have dropped, slightly this year. We have as a charity been able to provide for those in need this year, showing the furtherance of our charity aims, particularly to the community and beyond.

Plans for the future period

Our charitable goals and aims remain the same, the advancement of religion, and the advancement of education. The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

Along with teaching and training on all aspects of the Christian faith, for all who are interested. Making grants, donations, loans, gifts to individuals and organisations. Carrying out activities or services itself.

However, our mode of delivery has been massively impacted by the pandemic and has increased online. Our reach is expanding globally, not only nationally and we will therefore be continuing to develop our online training/teaching in accordance with Christian principles for which we already have an audience.

Our aim will be to continue and expand our face to face teaching/training sessions on all aspects of the Christian faith.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year 6th April 2022 to 5th April 2023





Year Ended


Period ended


C/F 4022   4178 4176
Donations 1398   1280 1904
Total receipts 1398   1280 1904
Accommodation 153   210  
Insurance 303   316 310
Car/Mission Travel        
Office Equipment        
Stationary     55  
Office Furniture        
Printing 58     42
Room Hire        
Other Event Costs 200   300 108
Leader Training       60
Promotional Costs        
Leader Meetings and Expenses        
IT 369   255 532
Donations 520   300 850
Total payments 1610   1436 1902
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (212)   (156) 2
Transfer between funds        
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (212)   (156) 2
Total (212)   (156) 2


Cash Balance at 5th April 2023       £ 3810




Fire Ministries International

Scottish Charity (SCIO) – SC046412

Annual Report and Financial Statements

For the accounting period

6th April 2021 – 5th April 2022


Trustees’ Annual Report

For the year ended 5th April 2022

The trustees have pleasure in presenting their report together with the financial statements for the year ended 5th April 2022.

Reference and Administrative Information

Charity Name

Fire Ministries International

Charity Number



25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton, Clackmannan FK13 6LA

Current Trustees

Malcolm Sim               Chair/Convenor

Alyson Sim                  Treasurer and Secretary

Eve Galbraith


Structure, Governance and Management


The Charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). Registered in its current legal form on 15th March 2016, the charity was previously run as unincorporated association but changed its legal form to a SCIO. The assets of the unincorporated association transferred to the SCIO on the 16th March 2016. It has a single tier structure and as such, the trustees are the members of the charity.

Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are elected at the annual general meeting. There must be a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen trustees.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable purposes

To advance religion, to advance education and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, locally, nationally and internationally.


The charity offers culturally relevant spiritual expressions of Christianity to the public, in coffee shops, church halls and community centres. The charity held public events where people gathered to worship, explore their faith, receive free stress relief, and learn keys for living a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle and to receive teaching on spiritual and moral education. These activities happened in various locations throughout the UK. The spiritual expressions offered by the organisation are open to all members of the public.

Many members of the public have come and explored their beliefs in a welcoming environment. Many have returned repeatedly to have experiential encounters with the God of the Bible, while receiving relief from stressful situations. Many of whom have been met with the love and kindness shown by those in the Christian faith.

Achievements and Performance

COVID-19 has continued to place numerous constraints on the charity. However, we, have continued to expand the charity via the internet, with its many avenues and continue our on-going work, both nationally and internationally.

The short daily teachings are continuing to be well received and these have given much needed encouragement. The continued uptake and interest in these short daily teachings have now reached more corners of the globe, the UK and Ireland, along with Canada, USA, Virgin Islands, Brazil, Liberia, Latvia, Jamaica, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Kenya and India to mention just a few. Connections to various parts of Asia e.g. Singapore, South Korea, are continuing to grow. Several of those from other countries have been translating these teachings into their own languages and distributing them to others. Invitations to teach in all of these nations are constantly arriving, we continue to meet these needs via the internet, as the costs continue to hinder us from going to so many nations.

An increase in the charity’s audience has also occurred nationally.  Again COVID-19 restrictions have limited face to face encounters to the internet and its various Apps allowing us to stay in touch, and continue to grow in our influence and to deliver education in accordance with Christian principles, including spiritual and moral education.

Financial Review

Our main source of funding is donations and offerings. As can be seen from the financial statement, our financial holdings have dropped, slightly this year. We have as a charity been able to provide for those in need this year, showing the furtherance of our charity aims, particularly to the community.

Plans for the future period

Our charitable goals and aims remain the same, the advancement of religion, and the advancement of education. The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

Along with teaching and training on all aspects of the Christian faith, for all who are interested. Making grants, donations, loans, gifts to individuals and organisations. Carrying out activities or services itself.

However, our mode of delivery has been massively impacted by the pandemic and has increased online. Our reach is expanding globally, not only nationally and we will therefore be continuing to develop our online training/teaching in accordance with Christian principles for which we already have an audience.


Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year 6th April 2020 to 5th April 2022


  Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Year Ended05/04/2021 Period ended05/04/2020
C/F 4178   4176 2527
Donations 1280   1904 3162
Offerings       530
Gifts       38
Total receipts 1280   1904 3730
Accommodation 210     354
Honorariums       500
Insurance 316   310 295
Car/Mission Travel       129
Office Equipment        
Stationary 55      
Office Furniture        
Printing     42  
Room Hire        
Other Event Costs 300   108 532
Leader Training     60  
Promotional Costs        
Leader Meetings and Expenses        
IT 255   532 271
Donations 300   850  
Total payments 1436   1902 2081
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (156)   2 1649
Transfer between funds        
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (156)   2 1649
Total (156)   2 1649

 Cash Balance at 5th April 2022       £ 4022




Fire Ministries International

Scottish Charity (SCIO) – SC046412

Annual Report and Financial Statements

For the accounting period

6th April 2020 – 5th April 2021


Trustees’ Annual Report

For the year ended 5th April 2021

The trustees have pleasure in presenting their report together with the financial statements for the year ended 5th April 2021.

Reference and Administrative Information

Charity Name

Fire Ministries International

Charity Number



25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton, Clackmannan FK13 6LA

Current Trustees

Malcolm Sim               Chair/Convenor

Alyson Sim                  Treasurer and Secretary

Eve Galbraith


Structure, Governance and Management


The Charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). Registered in its current legal form on 15th March 2016, the charity was previously run as unincorporated association but changed its legal form to a SCIO. The assets of the unincorporated association transferred to the SCIO on the 16th March 2016. It has a single tier structure and as such, the trustees are the members of the charity.

Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are elected at the annual general meeting. There must be a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen trustees.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable purposes

To advance religion, to advance education and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, locally, nationally and internationally.


The charity offers culturally relevant spiritual expressions of Christianity to the public, in coffee shops, church halls and community centres. The charity held public events where people gathered to worship, explore their faith, receive free stress relief, and learn keys for living a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle and to receive teaching on spiritual and moral education. These activities happened in various locations throughout the UK. The spiritual expressions offered by the organisation are open to all members of the public.

Many members of the public have come and explored their beliefs in a welcoming environment. Many have returned repeatedly to have experiential encounters with the God of the Bible, while receiving relief from stressful situations. Many of whom have been met with the love and kindness shown by those in the Christian faith.

Achievements and Performance

As for many this year the COVID-19 pandemic has placed numerous constrains on the charity, as all travelling and teaching face to face was impossible. However, we, like many others have turned to the internet to continue our on-going work, both nationally and internationally.

The short daily teachings are continuing to be well received and these have given much needed encouragement to those self-isolating. There has been continued uptake and interest in the short daily teachings, released, into the UK and Ireland, along with Canada, USA, Virgin Islands, Brazil, Liberia, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Kenya and India to mention just a few. Connections to various parts of Asia e.g. Singapore, South Korea, are continuing to grow. Several of those from other countries have been translating these teachings into their own languages and distributing them to others. Invitations to teach in all of these nations are constantly arriving, we continue to meet these needs via the internet, as the pandemic and costs continue to hinder us from going to so many nations.

An increase in the charity’s audience has also occurred nationally.  Again due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been limited face to face encounters with the internet and its various Apps allowing us to stay in touch, and continue to grow in our influence and to deliver education in accordance with Christian principles, including spiritual and moral education.

Financial Review

Our main source of funding is donations and offerings. As can be seen from the financial statement, our financial holdings over this period have remained almost the same. We have as a charity been able to provide more for those in need this year, showing the furtherance of our charity aims, particularly to the community.

Plans for the future period

The trustees intend to restart events where members of the public can worship and be educated on the Christian faith, as well as running training events where people can receive spiritual and moral education in accordance with Christian principles.  We will again run interactive workshops where members of the public can acquire useful skills.

There are increased invitations to train in other areas of the UK. Also, in accordance with Christian principles, we are expanding our online training/teaching for which we already have an audience.


Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year 6th April 2020 to 5th April 2021






Year Ended


Period ended


C/F 4176   2527 3799
Donations 1904   3162 1045
Offerings     530 39
Gifts     38 1278
Total receipts 1904   3730 2362
Accommodation     354 368
Honorariums     500  
Insurance 310   295 295
Car/Mission Travel     129 649
Office Equipment       1335
Office Furniture        
Printing 42     38
Room Hire        
Other Event Costs 108   532 228
Leader Training 60     108
Promotional Costs       465
Leader Meetings and Expenses       148
IT 532   271  


Total payments 1902   2081 3634
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year              2   1649 (1272)
Transfer between funds        
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year              2   1649 (1272)
Total              2   1649 (1272)


Fire Ministries International

Scottish Charity (SCIO) – SC046412

Annual Report and Financial Statements

For the accounting period

6th April 2019 – 5th April 2020


Trustees’ Annual Report

For the year ended 5th April 2020

The trustees have pleasure in presenting their report together with the financial statements for the year ended 5th April 2020.

Reference and Administrative Information

Charity Name

Fire Ministries International

Charity Number



25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton, Clackmannan FK13 6LA

Current Trustees

Malcolm Sim               Chair/Convenor

Alyson Sim                  Treasurer and Secretary

Eve Galbraith


Structure, Governance and Management


The Charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). Registered in its current legal form on 15th March 2016, the charity was previously run as unincorporated association but changed its legal form to a SCIO. The assets of the unincorporated association transferred to the SCIO on the 16th March 2016. It has a single tier structure and as such, the trustees are the members of the charity.

Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are elected at the annual general meeting. There must be a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen trustees.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable purposes

To advance religion, to advance education and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, locally, nationally and internationally.


The charity offers culturally relevant spiritual expressions of Christianity to the public, in coffee shops, church halls and community centres. The charity held public events where people gathered to worship, explore their faith, receive free stress relief, and learn keys for living a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle and to receive teaching on spiritual and moral education. These activities happened in various locations throughout the UK. The spiritual expressions offered by the organisation are open to all members of the public.

Many members of the public have come and explored their beliefs in a welcoming environment. Many have returned repeatedly to have experiential encounters with the God of the Bible, while receiving relief from stressful situations. Many of whom have been met with the love and kindness shown by those in the Christian faith.

Achievements and Performance

There has been continued uptake and interest in the short daily teachings, released, into the UK and Ireland, along with Canada, USA, Virgin Islands, Brazil, Liberia, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Kenya and India to mention just a few. Connections to various parts of Asia e.g. Singapore, South Korea, are continuing to grow. Several of those from other countries have been translating these teachings into their own languages and distributing them to others. Invitations to teach in all of these nations are constantly arriving. We are meeting this need via the internet, as costs prohibit us from going to so many nations. The charity is responding to the increased international interest.

An increase in the charity’s audience has also occurred nationally. There have been new opportunities locally as a result of the developing contacts and relationships in and around our new location in Stirling. We anticipate further doors opening as we become more embedded and known within the area. There has also been an increase of opportunities nationally which has necessitated travel to deliver education in accordance with Christian principles, including spiritual and moral education.

Financial Review

Our main source of funding is donations and offerings. As can be seen from the financial statement, our financial holdings over this period have increased, showing the furtherance of our charity aims, particularly to the international community.

Plans for the future period

The trustees intend to continue to run events where members of the public can worship and be educated on the Christian faith, as well as running training events where people can receive spiritual and moral education in accordance with Christian principles.  We will continue to run interactive workshops where members of the public can acquire useful skills.

There are increased invitations to train in other areas of the UK. Also, in accordance with Christian principles, we are developing our online training/teaching for which we already have an audience.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year 6th April 2019 to 5th April 2020






Year Ended


Period ended


C/F 2527   3799 3458
Donations 3162   1045 759
Offerings 530   39 1148
Gifts 38   1278 1888
Total receipts 3730   2362 7252
Accommodation 354   368 81
Honorariums 500      
Insurance 295   295 275
Car/Mission Travel 129   649 269
Office Equipment     1335 45
Office Furniture        
Printing     38 45
Room Hire       160
Other Event Costs 532   228 505
Leader Training     108  
Promotional Costs     465 57
Leader Meetings and Expenses     148  
IT 271      
Total payments 2081   3634 1437
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year         1649   (1272) 1692
Transfer between funds        
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year         1649   (1272) 1692
Total         1649   (1272) 1692

Fire Ministries International

Scottish Charity (SCIO) – SC046412

Annual Report and Financial Statements

For the accounting period

6th April 2018 – 5th April 2019

Trustees’ Annual Report

The trustees have pleasure in presenting their report together with the financial statements for the year ended 5th April 2019.

Reference and Administrative Information

Charity Name

Fire Ministries International

Charity Number



25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton, Clackmannan FK13 6LA

Current Trustees

Malcolm Sim               Chair/Convenor

Alyson Sim                  Treasurer and Secretary

Eve Galbraith

Structure, Governance and Management


The Charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). Registered in its current legal form on 15th March 2016, the charity was previously run as unincorporated association but changed its legal form to a SCIO. The assets of the unincorporated association transferred to the SCIO on the 16th March 2016. It has a single tier structure and as such, the trustees are the members of the charity.

Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are elected at the annual general meeting. There must be a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen trustees.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable purposes

To advance religion, to advance education and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, locally, nationally and internationally.


The charity offers culturally relevant spiritual expressions of Christianity to the public, in coffee shops, church halls and community centres. The charity held public events where people can worship, explore their faith, receive free stress relief, learn keys for living a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle and receive teaching on spiritual and moral education. These activities happen in various locations throughout the UK. The spiritual expressions offered by the organisation are open to all members of the public.

Many members of the public have come and explored their beliefs in a welcoming environment. Many have returned repeatedly to have experiential encounters with the God of the Bible, while receiving relief from stressful situations. Many of whom have been met with the love and kindness shown by those in the Christian faith.

Achievements and Performance

There is a continuing increase of interest in the short daily teachings, which we release, into the UK and Ireland, along with Canada, USA, Virgin Islands, Brazil, Liberia, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Kenya and India to mention just a few. Interestingly, connections to various parts of Asia e.g. Singapore, South Korea, have now been established. Invitations to teach in all of these nations are constantly arriving. We are meeting this need via the internet, as costs prohibit us from going to so many nations. The charity is responding to the increased international interest.

An increase in the charity’s audience has also occurred nationally.There have been new opportunities locally as a result of the developing contacts and relationships in and around our new location in Stirling. We anticipate further doors opening as we become more embedded and known within the area. There has also been an increase of opportunities nationally which has necessitated travel to deliver education in accordance with Christian principles, including spiritual and moral education.

Financial Review

Our main source of funding is donations and offerings. As can be seen from the financial statement, our financial holdings over this last year, dropped due to one-off purchases of new equipment for video and editing for our online teaching.

Plans for the future period

The trustees intend to continue to run events where members of the public can worship and be educated on the Christian faith, as well as running training events where people can receive spiritual and moral education in accordance with Christian principles.  We will continue to run interactive workshops where members of the public can acquire useful skills.

There are increased invitations to train in other areas of the UK. Also, in accordance with Christian principles, we are developing our online training/teaching for which we already have an audience.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year 6th April 2018 to 5th April 2019





Year Ended


Period ended


C/F 3799     3458
Donations 1045   1528 759
Offerings 39   48 1148
Gifts 1278   1553 1888
Total receipts 2362   3129 7252
Accommodation 368   81 676
Honorariums       420
Insurance 295   275 478
Car/Mission Travel 649   269 1398
Office Equipment 1335   45 511
Stationary       43
Office Furniture       24
Printing 38   45 110
Room Hire     160 203
Other Event Costs 228   505 550
Leader Training 108     136
Promotional Costs 465   57 519
Leader Meetings and Expenses 148     77
Total payments       3634   1437 5145
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (1272)   1692 2107
Transfer between funds        
Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (1272)   1692 2107
Total (1272)   1692 2107

Fire Ministries International

Scottish Charity (SCIO) – SC046412

Annual Report and Financial Statements

For the accounting period

6th April 2017 – 5th April 2018

Trustees’ Annual Report

For the year ended 5th April 2018

The trustees have pleasure in presenting their report together with the financial statements for the year ended 5th April 2018.

Reference and Administrative Information

Charity Name

Fire Ministries International

Charity Number



25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton, Clackmannan FK13 6LA

Current Trustees

Malcolm Sim               Chair/Convenor

Alyson Sim                  Treasurer and Secretary

Eve Galbraith

Retired Trustees

Dorothy Marsh            15th September 2017

Barbara Jenkinson      5th April 2018

NB:- New trustees will be sought this coming year

Structure, Governance and Management


The Charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). It was registered in its current legal form on 15th March 2016. It has a single tier structure and as such the trustees are the members of the charity.

Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are elected at the annual general meeting which is held in May. There must be a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen trustees.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable purposes

To advance religion, to advance education and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, locally, nationally and internationally.


The charity offers culturally relevant spiritual expressions of Christianity to the general public, in coffee shops, church halls and community centres. The charity has held numerous public events where people can worship, explore their faith, receive free stress relief, learn keys for living a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle and receive teaching on spiritual and moral education. These activities are held in various locations throughout the UK. The spiritual expressions offered by the organisation are offered to all members of the public.

Many members of the public have come and explored their beliefs in a welcoming environment. Many have returned again and again to have experiential encounters with the God of the Bible, while receiving relief from stressful situations. Many of whom have been met with the love and kindness shown by those in the Christian faith.

Achievements and Performance

There has been an increased uptake on our short daily teachings, into the rest of the UK and Ireland, along with Canada, USA, Virgin Islands, Brazil, Liberia, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Kenya and India to mention just a few. These have resulted in us being asked to teach in various nations. We are looking into ways to do this via the internet, as costs prohibit us from going to so many nations. However, we are travelling nationally where we are being asked to advance education in accordance with Christian principles, including spiritual and moral education. Indeed, we are in talks to open a new centre in Rotherham, Yorkshire, in order to advance the Christian faith, through love and kindness, in a non-threatening manner.

This has been a season of change as the charity’s principles have moved to closer to Stirling, Scotland in order to have access to a wider audience, while allowing them to travel more freely between England and Scotland.

Financial Review

Our main source of funding is donations and offerings. As can be seen from the financial statement, we have increased our financial holdings over this last year allowing us to keep more teaching/training events free.

Plans for the future period

The trustees intend to continue to run events where members of the public can worship and be educated on the Christian faith, as well as running training events where people can receive spiritual and moral education in accordance with Christian principles.  We will continue to run interactive workshops where members of the public can acquire useful skills.

As already mentioned, we have invitations to train in other areas of the UK and we are due to open a new centre in Rotherham in August 2018.

In accordance with Christian principles we aim to develop our online training/teaching by producing videos which we aim to make freely available.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year 6th April 2017 to 5th April 2018





Year Ended


Period ended


C/F 2107.09   2107.09 3457.58
Donations 1527.95   1527.95 758.92
Offerings 48.10   48.10 1147.93
Gifts 1,552.75   1,552.75 1887.72
Total receipts 5235.89   5235.89 7252.15
Accommodation 81.00   81.00 675.59
Honorariums       420.00
Insurance 275.00   275.00 477.85
Car/Mission Travel 268.75   268.75 1397.66
Office Equipment 45.00   45.00 510.94
Stationary       42.97
Office Furniture       24.00
Printing 45.00   45.00 110.22
Room Hire 160.00   160.00 202.80
Other Event Costs 505.02   505.02 550.60
Leader Training       136.47
Promotional Costs 56.82   56.82 519.11
Leader Meetings and Expenses       76.85
Total payments 1436.59   1436.59 5145.06
(Surplus)/Deficit for the year 1436..59   1436..59 2107.09
Transfer between funds        
(Surplus)/Deficit for the year 1436.59   1436.59 2107.09
Total 3799.30   3799.30 2107.09




Fire Ministries International

Scottish Charity (SCIO) – SC046412

Annual Report and Financial Statements

For the accounting period (Start of Charity)

15th March 2016 – 5th April 2017

Trustees’ Annual Report

For the year ended 5th April 2017

The trustees have pleasure in presenting their report together with the financial statements for the year ended 5th April 2017.

Reference and Administrative Information

Charity Name

Fire Ministries International

Charity Number



67A South Guildry Street, Elgin, Moray, IV30 1QN

Current Trustees

Malcolm Sim               Chair/Convenor

Alyson Sim                  Treasurer and Secretary

Barbara Jenkinson

Eve Galbraith

Dorothy Marsh

Structure, Governance and Management


The Charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). It was registered in its current legal form on 15th March 2016. The charity was previously run as unincorporated association but changed its legal form to a SCIO. The assets of the unincorporated association were transferred to the SCIO on the 16th March 2016. It has a single tier structure and as such the trustees are the members of the charity.

Appointment of Trustees

Trustees are elected at the annual general meeting which is held in May. There must be a minimum of three and a maximum of thirteen trustees.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable purposes

To advance religion, to advance education and the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage, locally, nationally and internationally.


The charity offers culturally relevant spiritual expressions of Christianity to the general public, in coffee shops, church halls and community centres. The charity has held numerous public events where people can worship, explore their faith, receive free stress relief, learn keys for living a healthier, more fulfilled lifestyle and receive teaching on spiritual and moral education. These activities are held several times a month in various locations throughout the UK, predominantly in the North East of Scotland. The spiritual expressions offered by the organisation are offered to all members of the public.

Since the charity was formed we have had many members of the public come and explore their beliefs in a welcoming environment. Many of whom, have returned again and again to have experiential encounters with the God of the Bible, while receiving relief from stressful situations. Many of whom have been met with the love and kindness shown by those in the Christian faith.

Achievements and Performance

There has been an increased uptake on our short daily teachings, into the rest of the UK and Ireland, along with Canada, USA, Virgin Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Kenya and India to mention just a few. These have resulted in us being asked to teach in various nations. We are looking into ways to do this via the internet, as costs prohibit us from going to so many nations. However, we are travelling nationally where we are being asked to advance education in accordance with Christian principles, including spiritual and moral education. Indeed, we have established small centres in Inverness, Thurso and Woburn, in order to advance the Christian faith, through love and kindness, in a non threatening manner.

Financial Review

Our main source of funding is donations and offerings. As can be seen from the financial statement, we have had a deficit over the last 12 months, which we aim to address by charging for some of our teaching/training events. With a possibility of doing fund raising events.

Plans for the future period

The trustees intend to continue to run events where members of the public can worship and be educated on the Christian faith, as well as running training events where people can receive spiritual and moral education in accordance with Christian principles.  We will continue to run interactive workshops where members of the public can acquire useful skills. These will be run particularly in but not isolated to the North East of Scotland.

As already mentioned, we have invitations to train in other areas of the UK and our aim is to develop this further.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the year 16th March 2016 to 5th April 2017





Year Ended


Period ended


C/F from Trust to Charity 3457.58   3457.58  
Donations 758.92   758.92  
Offerings 1147.93   1147.93  
Gifts 1887.72   1887.72  
Total receipts 7252.15   7252.15  
Accommodation 675.59      
Honorariums 420.00      
Insurance 477.85      
Car/Mission Travel 1397.66      
Office Equipment 510.94      
Stationary 42.97      
Office Furniture 24.00      
Printing 110.22      
Room Hire 202.80      
Other Event Costs 550.60      
Leader Training 136.47      
Promotional Costs 519.11      
Leader Meetings and Expenses 76.85      
Total payments        5145.06      
(Surplus)/Deficit for the year 2107.09      
Transfer between funds        
(Surplus)/Deficit for the year 2107.09      
Total 2107.09      
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