Fire Ministries International, House of the Prophetic, Elgin was birthed in 2013 out of the following vision: As I was watching a forest of Scottish pine trees, I watched as the nearest tree to me began to smoke and suddenly it burst into flames. As the pine tree burned I sensed the breath of the Spirit begin to blow through the forest. As I watched, the pine tree behind the first tree exploded into flame, every tree, one at a time, began to burn. The flames worked around the forest in a circle moving closer to the center. When the last pine tree in the center caught fire, the clouds above the forest separated and the fire of heaven came down and touched the earth. I heard the Lord say “I send you to ignite the ones and the twos by my Spirit and they will do the same for others”. (Ezekiel 20:47-48)

In May 2011, there were a number of wildfires burning all over Scotland, 76 were dealt with between April 30th and 5th May. Following on from a prophecy released in 1967 by Jean Darnell, our heart and vision is to see the wildfire of God sweeping through our nation of Scotland from North to South and beyond, setting ablaze the hearts and minds of men, women and children.

Alyson holds the Office of Prophet and is a gifted administrator, passionate about teaching and training the people of God to come into a full knowledge of who they are and who their Father is. This desire culminated in obtaining a BA in Biblical Studies in 2009. She served for many years in various roles within Aglow International and also served on the Assemblies of God Women’s Team. She had studied and worked for many years as a Research Associate in Cancer Research in Glasgow, but had felt a call to full time ministry from an early age finally taking the step in 2011.
Malcolm holds the Office of Seer and has a real passion and a compassionate pastoral heart for all those around him, and longs to see everyone from the youngest to the oldest come into the fullness of God NOW! He has long known the call of God on his life for full time ministry.
They served in full time ministry from 2011 to 2013 as part of a Senior Management Team in a Christian ministry. They led teams in the prophetic and deliverance. Also training and teaching others in both fields, as well as undertaking various administrative duties.
They also served as Steward Team Leaders for CLAN (Christians Linked Across The Nation) and as Street Pastors.
They are both trained in Deeper Healing and are also trained in Deliverance, Sozo and Shabar.