These are proving to be popular events and we have now held a number of them.
We are always looking for new venues, why not sign up to have Heart-2-Heart event in the comfort of your own home? Give us a call for more information or email us through our contact page.
Peterhead Heart-2-Heart November 2015
This was our busiest event yet and proved to be so popular that we have been invited back in February to do it all over again with another group of amazing people.
Forres Heart-2-Heart November 2015
We as a team are always blown away with Father God’s love and comfort. He never condemns and always encourages, strengthens and builds up His cherished ones. We saw approx. 20 people come into this lady’s house, most of whom were overwhelmed with Father’s love, with many tears being shed as He poured over them.
Aviemore Heart-2-Heart in August 2015
This was a very well attended event with over 30 people in attendance. They were overwhelmed by how much their Father knew them and the accuracy with which He spoke into their lives. It was a real privilege to partner with Father God and watch the multitude of ways in which He poured out His love.
Our First Heart-2-Heart in Inverness April 2015
What an amazing time we had as we ran our first Heart-2-Heart in Inverness at one of the ladies’ homes. We offered Hand/Arm Massage, Prophetic Art, Spiritual Readings, Prophetic Personality Profiles, Healing for body soul and spirit and Dream Interpretation. All the feedback was positive and the folks all enjoyed us being there. Father showed up every time!
Open evening and the first night of Heart-2-Heart Training 7th July 2014
Just a few of the photos from our massage training room.