The School of Fire was held from 7/4/14 bi-weekly until the 30th June 2014.
There was such incredible hunger among the people as we came together. Worship ascended to the heavens and we experienced an increased sense of the presence of the Lord standing in our midst.
Many prophetic words were released as the Holy Spirit was allowed free reign in our midst. On several occasions the Holy Spirit prompted the release of physical and emotional healing into the midst of Father’s precious ones, with many experiencing healing.
Over six sessions, we explored Intimacy with the Holy Spirit, Character, Why we Prophesy, How to hear God, How to judge prophecy, Discernment of spirits, Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Difference between Seers and Prophets, the Naba Flow and Prophetic proclamations.
Every session was peppered with prophetic activations to stretch and challenge us all.
On the seventh session we had the privilege of hosting Dr Barbara Jenkinson, Director of Light and Life. She shared her heart which dove-tailed beautifully into all that we had learned at the School. It was another incredible evening with the Father.
The team from Fire Ministries International prophesied over every person in the room that evening. Father is so awesome!
Below are a few of the pictures that were taken on our final evening.