Our aim is to see an expansion of the Kingdom of God, through the love of the Father, with signs, wonders and miracles following. The financing for this ministry is totally dependent on gifts and donations. Would you consider partnering with us? You can give through one-off donations or on a regular basis.
1. Using PayPal
You can donate online using a credit card or PayPal account by clicking on the icon. Thank you
2. By Cheque
Please make cheques payable to ‘Fire Ministries International’ and post to 25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton FK13 6LA.
Unfortunately we are unable to accept foreign cheques.
3. By monthly Standing Order
If you would like to partner with us by setting up a monthly standing order please email alyson@fire-ministries-international.org for a form.
Would you like to support Malcolm and Alyson personally?
They receive no funds from the ministry except expenses and are totally reliant on gifts and donations. You can make one off gifts and monthly donations through Paypal or Stewardship, please use the links below. If you are a taxpayer Stewardship can reclaim the tax on your giving and return it to Malcolm and Alyson minus a small administration fee.
1. Using PayPal
You can donate online using a credit card or PayPal account by clicking on the icon. Thank you.
2. Stewardship
If you are a taxpayer, this is a great way to increase your giving as Stewardship are able to reclaim your tax. Click on the link below to give one-off.
3. Direct
If you would prefer, you can contact them directly (01259 692482) and ask for their bank details.
4. By Cheque
Please make cheques payable to ‘Malcolm and Alyson Sim’ and post to 25 Hawthorn Avenue, Coalsnaughton, FK13 6LA.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for sowing so generously. May the Lord richly bless you now and always.
Malcolm and Alyson Sim